handmade crafts

Christmas Ornaments

I made some really simple tree decorations, I think they are very easy to make and don’t take very long to make, so I hope you give them a try =)

=>> Template <<=

-felt fabric
-3mm black beads
-thread and needle
-toy stuffing

Please follow my video. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thanks for watching!



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3 responses to “Christmas Ornaments”

  1. Silvia Casey Avatar
    Silvia Casey

    loved your felt ornament instruction. I will be making them today, I know, day after xmas but they are getting made for nest year and for my presents going to California family

  2. silvia casey Avatar
    silvia casey

    Easy to follow, therefore making it easy for me to follow since I have a brain injury. l

    1. tinycraft Avatar

      I’m glad it was manageable, wishing you all the best with your health!

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